
Alwa Gordon
Rapper, Singer, Multi-Media Artist
"To me right now, home is a person. My daughter and my girlfriend bring me the sense of home, rather than it being a place. If I could snap my fingers and change the world, I would want everyone, including myself, to be able to feel successful, whether that is through the pursuit of their goals, or through already having obtained the things they value most.”
Amy Allen
Artist, Interfaith Chaplain
“My hope is that each person carries within themselves a sense of wholeness and peace.”
Angela Gleason
Jewelry Maker and Instructor
“Being queer has always colored my viewpoint and made an alignment with those struggling for the right to exist and thrive in an indifferent world. My aspirations revolve around making art and teaching tools and techniques that empower human voices.”
Ben Dorfan
Composer, Pianist, Educator
“Home begins with physical and spiritual safety. For me, the greater meaning of home is having a sense of belonging and purpose. I wish all beings freedom from suffering.”
Carmen León
“Home is a place where I can provide. And I hope home can be a place where I can receive. I care about healing of our people and planet.”
Cynthia Strauss
Performance Artist
"Everyone should have a place where it’s safe to be wholly and fully themselves. Feeling home is like the feeling of falling in love. You fall in love with that whole being and that being falls in love with all of the various parts of you. You feel completely safe to show all sides of yourself—you can be a lot messier with what and how you share because it’s safe."

Ed Weingold
Writer - Playwright
“Most of all, home means trust for and by the people I’m with. I most value respect, being seen by others, free of filters others might use to misinterpret me. It’s often a battle to refrain from judging others and myself.”
Josefina Rocha V.
“I grew up with the fear of displacement having been unhoused in the past. In the core of our being we are empathetic…this is the key to the kindling, nourishment, and ignition of our souls - to believe in the light, magic, warmth they hold.”
Joy Schendledecker
Artist, Community Organizer
"In the best scenario, home is a safe place to practice being more gracious with others, learning to stick up for ourselves or be humbled. Sometimes we end up finding those homes elsewhere. I wish for all beings to have their basic needs met, starting with universal housing, food, water, sanitation, and health care. Beyond that foundation, I wish for all to have agency, connection, and care.”
Linda Cover
Multimedia Artist, Photographer, Teacher
“One size does not fit all… but most living things appreciate connection of some kind... and then there’s basics: Alligators, acorn sprouts, coral and people all live. fairly-well in environments with enough food and water that are not too toxic for them. Once we understand we are all connected, we see all problems—and solutions—differently.”
Michael Gabriel
Emerging Visual Artist, Musician, Composer
“As a young queer kid, I felt stifled by being told what to do and who to be. Art class became a home which granted me a sense of freedom and control…”
Michael Levy
“My art taught me about the power of beautifully performed music to create a shared “home” for people who would otherwise have remained separated in cliques or alone… I hope to continue to find new and deeper ways to connect people to themselves, each other, and their place in the web of life through music.”
Dancer, Acrobat, Rhythmic Gymnast
“ I enjoy creating home where I go in the present moment. Home is where I feel relaxed and supported with the ability to expand. I care for love, joy and grace for all beings. I hope for comfort and ease for individuals to be in a home environment where everyone can reach their full potential fairly. Dignity and compassion for all is at the heart and in my heart.”


“What I am gonna take away from this project is something that Thomas said is to have death watching you over your shoulder, not as a bad, scary thing but as a way to be present and get OK with it.”
“Both professionally and personally, I value treating people respectfully, treating people the way I would want to be treated.”
“I want peace, love, and good vibes.”
“I wish to seek authenticity in myself and give others the opportunity to find their own authentic existence.”
“Don’t be an asshole for no reason to people who don’t deserve it.”
“I value equality, no matter race, creed, gender, disability, or any other barrier in life. I wish for tolerance and understanding that not every snowflake is the same, we’re all different.”
“I want everyone to get along, and for people to get past differences and opinions and be mature.”
“Housing and health should be put before profit. All beings deserve their own space, and to have the opportunities to develop their life.”
Liz and Luna
“What I am gonna take away from this project is something that Thomas said is to have death watching you over your shoulder, not as a bad, scary thing but as a way to be present and get OK with it.”
“I want for everyone to feel loved, to feel love going in and out.”
“I want for everyone to have art and love and happiness in their lives, to be able to have a beautiful day and to not constantly be struggling.”
“I would like to see myself, my kids, and all beings be happy with their life.”
“I want for everyone to be able to achieve what they want, and to be treated well with the dignity we all deserve.”
“I value peace, joy, and truth.”
“I value treating people with kindness and respect, and to have empathy for others because we don’t always know what’s going on.”
“I want for everyone to have their basic needs met. I am constantly trying to learn about people, so that I can have empathy and compassion for all. Everyone has things that they need.”
“To me, all matter is absolutely precious and valuable and accountability is something that I choose to do.”
“Better tents and gardens.”
“Acceptance for everyone. Not to be judged but being accepted into whatever my mind puts myself into.”
“I'm here for everybody and I really want everybody to be okay.”
“Equanimity is the word. I mean, there are practical things that are important, food and shelter, and I guess I want to feel that I have power over my life.”
“For me, my home is a place where I can go and get away, that’s home for me - safe. I lay at night and think - Thank you God for this warm, comfortable bed and this warm, comfortable house.”

Production Team

Andrew Purchin
Creative Director
“I care about seeing the dignity and inherent good in me, you, and all beings.”
Marcello Hutchinson-Trujillo
Videographer + Editor
“I care most that all living beings have love, community and a sense of purpose greater than themselves.”
Kamala Woods
Project Manager + Videographer
“I care most that all beings have the power and freedom of choice, and the ability to chose a life they want to live.”
Marija DeNike
Production Manager + Videographer
Home is where you feel free and understood and that’s what I care for all of us.
Duane Peterson III
“I want all beings to feel that they have the right not only to exist but to flourish, and that they are able to express themselves comfortably and fully.”
Stu Wilson
Sound Editor
“I care that all human beings can hope to become spiritually realized and able to enjoy peace and joy in any environment.”
Bridget Lyons
“For myself and all beings, I wish a life of beauty—making beauty, appreciating beauty, and being beauty.”