155 River St S, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
April 15th 2023
A Night of Creative Listening Across Differences
See world premieres including a new play, a new dance and new songs, interspersed with short documentaries about the artists' process with housed and unhoused people.
Tickets are $0 - $1000 sliding scale on Eventbrite.
April 13 - May 7 2023
Tannery Art Center
1050 River St Unit 127
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Wednesday May 3rd 6:30 -8:00
What's Home? Understanding comes in Fragments, Dance - Video - Conversation
Sunday May 7th 2-4
Closing Reception and Artists Talk
What’s Home?
A multimedia exhibition that will feature video installations and new work created by our artists inspired from their interactions with the housed and unhoused documentary subjects.
Look for details about the first feedback screening in January 2023.
Dancers Cynthia Strauss and Saki will dance, screen video of the What's Home process & converse live with housed and unhoused participants.
Seating is limited. Tickets available on Eventbrite .